Aldermanic Forum

On Tuesday, December 3rd at Grace Place, a forum was presented and organized by One Community Near South and sponsored by South Loop Neighbors.  The South Loop is split into five different wards.  The purpose?   The last ward boundries were redrawn was 2022.  However, the South Loop, formerly the 2nd Ward, was carved up and divided into multiple wards over ten years ago.  Will these alderman respond to our concerns  when we only represent a small slice of any given ward?  Three out of the five alderman showed up: Alderman Dowell of the 3rd Ward; Alderman Robinson of the 4th Ward and     Alderman Conway of the 34th Ward.  The first question put to them by the co-moderators (Marj Halperin and Taman Bradley of WGN News):  How do you (alderman) work together?  They assured the standing room only crowd that they do confer with each other on issues that affect the constituents of neighboring wards.  Lollapalooza and NSACAR Race were given as an example of Ald. Dowell, 3rd and Ald. Robinson , 4th conducting meetings with common concerns.  Other subjects that were probed were the Stadium proposals, problems with vagrancy and illegal activities at the Roosevelt Jewel.  And an extended discussion on the property tax negotiation with the mayor.  The question left with the alders was would you consider creating a “Near South Caucus?

All the seats were filled.  It was an amazing turn-out considering the timing between the   holidays and some folks still recuperating from the Presidential election.  There were opportunities to submit questions but not enough time to address all of them.




